QML tutorial

New in version 1.2.0.

This tutorial shows how to set up tests for a qml application.


Note that this tutorial works on ubuntu, and I suppose on most Linux distros also. Windows has not been tested so far for this.


You must have installed funq and funq-server compiled with Qt5. Please refer to the README.rst file about it.

Create the test folder

In this qmltest folder, create a funq.conf file:

executable = /usr/bin/qmlscene
cwd = .
args = test.qml


/usr/bin/qmlscene is the full path of the binary qmlscene provided by Qt.

Please adapt this path if it is not the same for you.

Then copy paste the content of our application in the test.qml file:

import QtQuick 2.0

Item {

  width: 320
  height: 480

  Rectangle {
      id: rectangle
      color: "#272822"
      width: 320
      height: 480
      MouseArea {
          anchors.fill: parent
          onClicked: rectangle.color = "#FFFFFF"



At this point, you must be able to run:

/usr/bin/qmlscene test.qml

If this is not the case, please check your Qt5 installation.

Create the test file

Now this is time to write our test. Let’s create the test1.py file, still in the qmltest folder:

from funq.testcase import FunqTestCase

class TestOne(FunqTestCase):
    # identify the configuration
    __app_config_name__ = 'applitest'

    def test_click_rectangle_change_color(self):
        quick_view = self.funq.active_widget()
        rect = quick_view.item(id="rectangle")

        self.assertEqual(rect.properties()["color"], "#272822")
        # click on the item
        # color has changed
        self.assertEqual(rect.properties()["color"], "#ffffff")

Run the test

Just run:

nosetests --with-funq

In the qmltest folder and watch it pass.

Going further

Please look at the specific api documentation: Interacting with QtQuick objects