Source code for funq.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright: SCLE SFE
# Contributor: Julien Pagès <>
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to test graphical
# applications written with the QT framework (
# This software is governed by the CeCILL v2.1 license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
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# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
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# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
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This module allow to communicate with a libFunq server with

import socket
import json
import errno
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import base64
from collections import defaultdict
import logging

from funq.aliases import HooqAliases
from import wait_for
from funq.models import Widget
from funq.errors import FunqError, TimeOutError

LOG = logging.getLogger('funq.client')

[docs]class FunqClient(object): """ Allow to communicate with a libFunq server. This is the main class used to manipulate tested application. """ DEFAULT_HOST = 'localhost' DEFAULT_PORT = 9999 def __init__(self, host=None, port=None, aliases=None, timeout_connection=10): if host is None: host = self.DEFAULT_HOST if port is None: port = self.DEFAULT_PORT if aliases is None: aliases = HooqAliases() elif isinstance(aliases, basestring): aliases = HooqAliases.from_file(aliases) elif not isinstance(aliases, HooqAliases): raise TypeError("aliases must be None or str or an" " instance of HooqAliases") self.aliases = aliases self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) def connect(): """ try to connect """ try: self._socket.connect((host, port)) return True except socket.error, e: if e.errno != errno.ECONNREFUSED: raise return e wait_for(connect, timeout_connection, 0.2) self._fsocket = self._socket.makefile(mode="rw")
[docs] def duplicate(self): """ Allow to manipulate the application in another thread. Returns a new instance of :class:`FunqClient` with a new socket. Example:: # `client_copy` may be used in concurrence with `client`. client_copy = client.duplicate() """ host, port = self._socket.getpeername() return FunqClient(host=host, port=port, aliases=self.aliases)
def close(self): """ Close the libFunq socket. The instance become useless after this method is called. This method is automatically called on the object destruction. """ self._socket.close() def __del__(self): self.close() def _raw_send(self, action, kwargs): """ Send a message without waiting for an answer. """ kwargs['action'] = action rawdata = json.dumps(kwargs) message = '%s\n%s' % (len(rawdata), rawdata) f = self._fsocket f.write(message) f.flush() def send_command(self, action, **kwargs): """ Send a message to the libFunq server and returns the decoded answer. :raises: :class:`funq.errors.FunqError` on error """ self._raw_send(action, kwargs) f = self._fsocket header = f.readline() if not header: raise FunqError("NoResponseFromApplication", u"Pas de réponse de l'application testée -" u" probablement un crash.") to_read = int(header) response = json.loads( if response.get('success') is False: raise FunqError(response["errName"], response["errDesc"]) return response def quit(self): """ Ask the tested application to quit by calling qApp->quit(). """ self._raw_send('quit', {})
[docs] def widget(self, alias=None, path=None, timeout=10.0, timeout_interval=0.1, wait_active=True): """ Returns an instance of a :class:`funq.models.Widget` or derived identified with an alias or with its complete path. Example:: widget = client.widget('my_alias') :param alias: alias defined in the aliases file. :param path: complete path for the widget :param timeout: if > 0, tries to get the widget until timeout is reached (second) :param timeout_interval: time between two atempts to get a widget (seconds) :param wait_active: If true - the default -, wait until the widget become visible and enabled. """ if not (alias or path): raise TypeError("alias or path must be defined") if alias: path = self.aliases[alias] wdata = [None] def get_widget(): """ Try to get the widget """ try: wdata[0] = self.send_command('widget_by_path', path=path) return True except FunqError, err: if err.classname != 'InvalidWidgetPath': raise return err wait_for(get_widget, timeout, timeout_interval) widget = Widget.create(self, wdata[0]) if wait_active: widget.wait_for_properties({'enabled': True, 'visible': True}) return widget
[docs] def active_widget(self, widget_type='window', timeout=10.0, timeout_interval=0.1, wait_active=True): """ Returns an instance of a :class:`funq.models.Widget` or derived that is the active widget of the application, or the widget that got the focus. Be careful, this method acts weidly under Xvfb. Example:: my_dialog = client.active_window('modal') :param widget_type: kind of widget. ('window', 'modal', 'popup' ou 'focus' -> see the QT documentation about QApplication::activeWindow, QApplication::activeModalWidget, QApplication::activePopupWidget or QApplication::focusWidget respectively) :param timeout: if > 0, tries to get the widget until timeout is reached (second) :param timeout_interval: time between two atempts to get a widget (seconds) :param wait_active: If true - the default -, wait until the widget become visible and enabled. """ wdata = [None] def get_widget(): """ Try to get the widget """ try: wdata[0] = self.send_command('active_widget', type=widget_type) return True except FunqError, err: if err.classname != 'NoActiveWindow': raise return err wait_for(get_widget, timeout, timeout_interval) widget = Widget.create(self, wdata[0]) if wait_active: widget.wait_for_properties({'enabled': True, 'visible': True}) return widget
[docs] def widgets_list(self, with_properties=False): """ Returns a dict with every widgets in the application. """ return self.send_command('widgets_list', with_properties=with_properties)
[docs] def dump_widgets_list(self, stream='widgets_list.json', with_properties=False): """ Write in a file the result of :meth:`widgets_list`. """ if isinstance(stream, basestring): stream = open(stream, 'w') json.dump(self.widgets_list(with_properties=with_properties), stream, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
[docs] def take_screenshot(self, stream='screenshot.png', format_='PNG'): """ Take a screenshot of the active desktop. """ data = self.send_command('desktop_screenshot', format=format_) if isinstance(stream, basestring): stream = open(stream, 'wb') raw = base64.standard_b64decode(data['data']) stream.write(raw) # pylint: disable=E1103
[docs] def keyclick(self, text): """ Simulate keyboard entry by sending keypress and keyrelease events for each character of the given text. """ self.send_command('widget_keyclick', text=text)
[docs] def shortcut(self, key_sequence): """ Send a shortcut defined with a text sequence. The format of this text sequence is defined with QKeySequence::fromString (see QT documentation for more details). Example:: client.shortcut('F2') """ self.send_command('shortcut', keysequence=key_sequence)
[docs] def drag_n_drop(self, src_widget, src_pos=None, dest_widget=None, dest_pos=None): """ Do a drag and drop. :param src_widget: source widget :param src_pos: starting position for the drag. If None, the center of `src_widget` will be used, else it must be a tuple (x, y) in widget coordinates. :param dest_widget: destination widget. If None, src_widget will be used. :param dest_pos: ending position for the drop. If None, the center of `dest_widget` will be used, else it must be a tuple (x, y) in widget coordinates. """ if dest_widget is None: dest_widget = src_widget if src_pos is not None: src_pos = ','.join(map(str, src_pos)) if dest_pos is not None: dest_pos = ','.join(map(str, dest_pos)) self.send_command("drag_n_drop", srcoid=src_widget.oid, destoid=dest_widget.oid, srcpos=src_pos, destpos=dest_pos)
class ApplicationContext(object): # pylint: disable=R0903 """ This is the context of a tested application. Instanciate this class may launch the tested application with funq (if appconfig.executable does not starts with "socket://"). Then it will try to connect to the libFunq server with a :class:`FunqClient` accessible from the member **funq**. When the instance is garbage collected, :meth:`terminate` is automatically called to close the **funq** member and terminate the tested application process. """ def __init__(self, appconfig, client_class=FunqClient): self._process, self.funq = None, None if not appconfig.executable.startswith('socket://'): self._start_test_process(appconfig) host = None # means localhost else: host = appconfig.executable[9:] self.funq = client_class( host=host, port=appconfig.funq_port, aliases=appconfig.create_aliases(), timeout_connection=appconfig.timeout_connection ) def _start_test_process(self, appconfig): """ Start the process of the tested application. """ env = appconfig.env cmd = [] funq_port = appconfig.funq_port stdout = appconfig.executable_stdout stderr = appconfig.executable_stderr if stderr: if stderr == stdout: stderr = subprocess.STDOUT else: stderr = open(stderr, 'a') if stdout: stdout = open(stdout, 'a') if not appconfig.attach: # libFunq is compiled inside the tested application binary if env is None: env = os.environ # copy env env = dict(env.items()) env['FUNQ_ACTIVATION'] = '1' if funq_port: env['FUNQ_PORT'] = str(funq_port) else: # inject libFunq with funq executable if not appconfig.global_options.funq_attach_exe: raise RuntimeError("To use funq, you have to specify the" " nose option --funq-attach-exe" " or put the funq executable in PATH") cmd = [appconfig.global_options.funq_attach_exe] if funq_port: cmd.append('--port') cmd.append(str(funq_port)) if appconfig.with_valgrind: cmd.append('valgrind') cmd.extend(appconfig.valgrind_args) cmd.append(appconfig.executable) cmd.extend(appconfig.args)"The tested application will be launched in the" " directory %r with the command %r", appconfig.cwd, cmd) self._process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=appconfig.cwd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env=env)"Launching tested application [%s].", def _kill_process(self): """ Kill the application tested process """ if self._process: # wait for a nice exit try: wait_for(lambda: self._process.poll() is not None, 10, 0.05) except TimeOutError: pass if self._process.returncode is None: # application seems blocked ! try to terminate it ... LOG.warn("The tested application [%s] can not be stopped" " nicely.", self._process.terminate() self._process.wait() self._process = None def terminate(self): """ Try to kill the process and close the **funq** object. """ if self.funq: if self._process is not None: # the process may be already dead try: wait_for(lambda: self._process.poll() is not None, 0.05, 0.01) except TimeOutError: pass if self._process.returncode is not None: # process terminated unexpectedly (-11: SegFault) LOG.critical("The tested application [%s] has terminated" " unexpectedly (return code: %s)",, self._process.returncode) self._process = None else: # try to exit nicely the tested application process # with a call to qApp->quit()."Closing tested application [%s].", try: self.funq.quit() except socket.error: pass try: self.funq.close() except socket.error: pass self.funq = None self._kill_process() def __del__(self): self.terminate()
[docs]class ApplicationConfig(object): # pylint: disable=R0902 """ This object hold the configuration of the application to test, mostly retrieved from the funq configuration file. Each parameter is accessible on the instance, allowing to retrieve the tested application path for example with *config.executable*, or its exeution path with *config.cwd*. :param executable: complete path to the tested application :param args: executable arguments :param funq_port: socket port number for the libFunq connection :param cwd: execution path for the tested application. If None, the value will be the directory of executable. :param env: dict environment variables. If None, os.environ will be used. :param timeout_connection: timeout to try to connect to libFunq. :param aliases: path to the aliases file :param executable_stdout: file path to redirect stdout or None. :param executable_stderr: file path to redirect stderr or None. :param attach: Indicate if the process is attached or if it is a distant connection. :param screenshot_on_error: Indicate if screenshots must be taken on errors. :param with_valgrind: indicate if valgrind must be used. :param valgrind_args: valgrind arguments :param global_options: options from the funq nose plugin. """ def __init__(self, executable, # pylint: disable=R0913 args=(), funq_port=None, cwd=None, env=None, timeout_connection=10, aliases=None, executable_stdout=None, executable_stderr=None, attach=True, screenshot_on_error=False, with_valgrind=False, valgrind_args=('--leak-check=full', '--show-reachable=yes'), global_options=None): self.executable = executable self.args = args self.funq_port = funq_port self.cwd = cwd or os.path.dirname(executable) or os.getcwd() self.env = env self.timeout_connection = timeout_connection self.aliases = aliases self.executable_stdout = executable_stdout self.executable_stderr = executable_stderr self.attach = attach self.screenshot_on_error = screenshot_on_error self.with_valgrind = with_valgrind self.valgrind_args = valgrind_args self.global_options = global_options def create_aliases(self): """ Create and returns and aliases object. """ if not self.aliases: return None return HooqAliases.from_file(self.aliases, self.global_options.funq_gkit_file, self.global_options.funq_gkit) @classmethod def from_conf(cls, conf, section, global_options): """ Create an instance of :class:`ApplicationConfig` from a funq configuration section. """ basedir = os.path.dirname(global_options.funq_conf) executable = conf.get(section, 'executable') if not executable.startswith('socket://') and ( basedir and not os.path.isabs(executable)): executable = os.path.join(basedir, executable) kwargs = {'global_options': global_options} if conf.has_option(section, 'args'): kwargs['args'] = shlex.split(conf.get(section, 'args')) if conf.has_option(section, 'funq_port'): kwargs['funq_port'] = conf.getint(section, 'funq_port') if kwargs['funq_port'] == 0 and \ not executable.startswith('socket://'): # take an available port sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.bind(('', 0)) kwargs['funq_port'] = sock.getsockname()[1] sock.close() del sock if conf.has_option(section, 'timeout_connection'): kwargs['timeout_connection'] = conf.getint(section, 'timeout_connection') if conf.has_option(section, 'attach'): kwargs["attach"] = conf.getboolean(section, 'attach') for optname in ('cwd', 'aliases', 'executable_stdout', 'executable_stderr'): if conf.has_option(section, optname): kwargs[optname] = conf.get(section, optname) if basedir and not os.path.isabs(kwargs[optname]): kwargs[optname] = os.path.join(basedir, kwargs[optname]) # devnull if NULL specified in the config file for optname in ('executable_stdout', 'executable_stderr'): if conf.has_option(section, optname) and \ conf.get(section, optname) == 'NULL': kwargs[optname] = os.devnull if conf.has_option(section, 'with_valgrind'): kwargs["with_valgrind"] = \ conf.getboolean(section, 'with_valgrind') if conf.has_option(section, 'valgrind_args'): kwargs['valgrind_args'] = \ shlex.split(conf.get(section, 'valgrind_args')) if conf.has_option(section, 'screenshot_on_error'): kwargs["screenshot_on_error"] = \ conf.getboolean(section, 'screenshot_on_error') return cls(executable, **kwargs)
class ApplicationRegistry(object): """ Handle multiple :class:`ApplicationConfig`. A global instance is used in :mod:`funq.noseplugin` to keep every configuration defined in the funq configuration file. """ def __init__(self): self.confs = defaultdict(dict) def register_from_conf(self, conf, global_options): """ Save configurations given a funq config. """ for section in conf.sections(): if ':' in section: app, mode = section.split(':', 1) else: app = section appconf = ApplicationConfig.from_conf( conf, section, global_options) self.register_config(app, appconf) def register_config(self, name, conf): """ Save the config *name* """ self.confs[name] = conf def config(self, name): """ Returns the :class:`ApplicationConfig` associated to *name*. :param name: name of the configuration """ return self.confs[name]