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The funq.conf configuration file

This configuration file describe the execution tests environment.

It’s an ini configuration file that contains sections (between [brackets]), and eah section is the configuration of one application to test.

Here is an example of a funq configuration file:

executable = ../player_tester
aliases = applitest.aliases

executable = /path/to/my/program
args = arg1 "arg 2"
funq_port = 55000

executable = socket://localhost
funq_port = 55001

The only required option in each section is executable. If its value starts with “socket://” then the application will not be launched but the tests will try to connect to the address instead. This is the detached mode, allowing to test an already launched application (note that this application will have to be started with the funq executable, or compiled with libFunq).

Here is the list of the facultative availables options:

  • args: executable arguments
  • funq_port: libFunq communication port used (défaut: 9999). May be 0, an in this case the OS will pick the first available port.
  • cwd: path to the execution directory. By default, this is the executable directory.
  • aliases: path to the aliases file.
  • executable_stdout: a file to save stdout output. Can be null to not redirect output.
  • executable_stderr: a file to save stderr output. Can be null to not redirect output.
  • timeout_connection: timeout in seconds to try to connect with the libFunq socket. Defaults to 10 seconds.
  • attach: set to “no” or “0” to enable the detached mode of funq. See Compile the application with libFunq.
  • with_valgrind: set to “1” or “yes” to activate valgrind
  • valgrind_args: valgrind arguments. By default, “–leak-check=full –show-reachable=yes”.
  • screenshot_on_error: set to “1” or “yes” to automatically take screenshot on tests errors. A screenshot-errors will then be created and will contains screnshots of failed tests.