The *funq.conf* configuration file ================================== This configuration file describe the execution tests environment. It's an **ini** configuration file that contains sections (between [brackets]), and eah section is the configuration of one application to test. Here is an example of a funq configuration file: .. literalinclude:: funq.conf :language: ini The only required option in each section is **executable**. If its value starts with "socket://" then the application will not be launched but the tests will try to connect to the address instead. This is the **detached** mode, allowing to test an already launched application (note that this application will have to be started with the **funq** executable, or compiled with libFunq). Here is the list of the facultative availables options: - **args**: executable arguments - **funq_port**: libFunq communication port used (défaut: 9999). May be 0, an in this case the OS will pick the first available port. - **cwd**: path to the execution directory. By default, this is the executable directory. - **aliases**: path to the aliases file. - **executable_stdout**: a file to save stdout output. Can be null to not redirect output. - **executable_stderr**: a file to save stderr output. Can be null to not redirect output. - **timeout_connection**: timeout in seconds to try to connect with the libFunq socket. Defaults to 10 seconds. - **attach**: set to "no" or "0" to enable the *detached mode* of funq. See :ref:`disable-attach`. - **with_valgrind**: set to "1" or "yes" to activate valgrind - **valgrind_args**: valgrind arguments. By default, "--leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes". - **screenshot_on_error**: set to "1" or "yes" to automatically take screenshot on tests errors. A *screenshot-errors* will then be created and will contains screnshots of failed tests.