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Entry point to communicate with a libFunq server : FunqClient

A FunqClient instance is generally retrieved with funq.testcase.FunqTestcase.funq or funq.testcase.MultiFunqTestcase.funq.


from funq.testcase import FunqTestCase

class MyTestCase(FunqTestCase):
    __app_config_name__ = 'my_conf'

    def test_something(self):
        """Method documentation"""

        my_widget = self.funq.widget('mon_widget')

class funq.client.FunqClient(host=None, port=None, aliases=None, timeout_connection=10)[source]

Allow to communicate with a libFunq server.

This is the main class used to manipulate tested application.

widget(alias=None, path=None, timeout=10.0, timeout_interval=0.1, wait_active=True)[source]

Returns an instance of a funq.models.Widget or derived identified with an alias or with its complete path.


widget = client.widget('my_alias')
  • alias – alias defined in the aliases file.
  • path – complete path for the widget
  • timeout – if > 0, tries to get the widget until timeout is reached (second)
  • timeout_interval – time between two atempts to get a widget (seconds)
  • wait_active – If true - the default -, wait until the widget become visible and enabled.
active_widget(widget_type='window', timeout=10.0, timeout_interval=0.1, wait_active=True)[source]

Returns an instance of a funq.models.Widget or derived that is the active widget of the application, or the widget that got the focus.

Be careful, this method acts weidly under Xvfb.


my_dialog = client.active_window('modal')
  • widget_type – kind of widget. (‘window’, ‘modal’, ‘popup’ ou ‘focus’ -> see the QT documentation about QApplication::activeWindow, QApplication::activeModalWidget, QApplication::activePopupWidget or QApplication::focusWidget respectively)
  • timeout – if > 0, tries to get the widget until timeout is reached (second)
  • timeout_interval – time between two atempts to get a widget (seconds)
  • wait_active – If true - the default -, wait until the widget become visible and enabled.

Returns a dict with every widgets in the application.

dump_widgets_list(stream='widgets_list.json', with_properties=False)[source]

Write in a file the result of widgets_list().

take_screenshot(stream='screenshot.png', format_='PNG')[source]

Take a screenshot of the active desktop.


Simulate keyboard entry by sending keypress and keyrelease events for each character of the given text.


Send a shortcut defined with a text sequence. The format of this text sequence is defined with QKeySequence::fromString (see QT documentation for more details).


drag_n_drop(src_widget, src_pos=None, dest_widget=None, dest_pos=None)[source]

Do a drag and drop.

  • src_widget – source widget
  • src_pos – starting position for the drag. If None, the center of src_widget will be used, else it must be a tuple (x, y) in widget coordinates.
  • dest_widget – destination widget. If None, src_widget will be used.
  • dest_pos – ending position for the drop. If None, the center of dest_widget will be used, else it must be a tuple (x, y) in widget coordinates.

Allow to manipulate the application in another thread.

Returns a new instance of FunqClient with a new socket.


# `client_copy` may be used in concurrence with `client`.
client_copy = client.duplicate()