How to find widget's paths ========================== Currently there is two ways fo ind widget's paths, and it is explained in this section. With **funq** ------------- The easiest way is to start **funq** executable (from *funq-server* package) in *pick mode*. For example, to find widgets from qtcreator application: .. code-block:: bash funq --pick qtcreator Then you need to pick on a widget while pressing *Ctrl* and *Shift*. This will print on stdout the complete widget path and the available properties. Here is an example of output when clicking on the "File" menu in qtcreator:: WIDGET: `Core:_:Internal:_:MainWindow-0::QtCreator.MenuBar` (pos: 42, 12) objectName: QtCreator.MenuBar modal: false windowModality: 0 enabled: true x: 0 y: 0 width: 1091 height: 25 minimumWidth: 0 minimumHeight: 0 maximumWidth: 16777215 maximumHeight: 16777215 font: Sans,10,-1,0,50,0,0,0,0,0 mouseTracking: true isActiveWindow: true focusPolicy: 0 focus: false contextMenuPolicy: 1 updatesEnabled: true visible: true minimized: false maximized: false fullScreen: false acceptDrops: false windowOpacity: 1 windowModified: false layoutDirection: 0 autoFillBackground: false inputMethodHints: 0 defaultUp: false nativeMenuBar: false Xml dump of all widgets ----------------------- It is also possible to dump widgets of the running application. This may only be used in a test:: from funq.testcase import FunqTestCase class MyTestCase(FunqTestCase): __app_config_name__ = 'applitest' def test_my_first_test(self): # this will write a "dump.json" file self.funq.dump_widgets_list('dump.json')