Source code for funq.testcase

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright: SCLE SFE
# Contributor: Julien Pagès <>
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to test graphical
# applications written with the QT framework (
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Module d'intégration de funq comme TestCase.

import unittest
import weakref
from functools import wraps
from funq.client import ApplicationContext
import os
import re
import inspect

[docs]class AssertionSuccessError(AssertionError): """ Exception which will be raised if method decorated with :func:`todo` pass (it is not expected). :param name: error message. """ def __init__(self, name): super(AssertionSuccessError, self).__init__() = name def __str__(self): return u"Test %s passed but it is decorated as TODO" % def __rep__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs]def todo(skip_message, exception_cls=AssertionError): """ A decorator to skip a test on given exception types. If the decorated test pass, an exception :class:`AssertionSuccessError` will be thrown. It is possible to specify which type of Exception is handled with the **exception_cls** argument. Example:: class MyTestCase(FunqTestCase): __app_config_name__ = 'ma_conf' @todo("this test needs something to pass") def test_one(self): raise AssertionError('this will fail') :param skip_message: error message when test is skipped :param exception_cls: Exception type or tuple of Exception type that are handled to skip a test. """ def wrapped(func): """ Fonction surchargée """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """ Fonction à surcharger """ try: func(*args, **kwargs) except exception_cls as err: err = u"%s" % err if isinstance(err, unicode): err = err.encode('utf-8', errors='ignore') # pylint: disable=E1103 skip_msg = skip_message.encode('utf-8', errors='ignore') raise unittest.SkipTest('\nError: %s\n%s' % (err, skip_msg)) raise AssertionSuccessError(func.__name__) return wrapper return wrapped
[docs]def parameterized(func_suffix, *args, **kwargs): """ A decorator that can generate methods given a base method and some data. **func_suffix** is used as a suffix for the new created method and must be unique given a base method. if **func_suffix** countains characters that are not allowed in normal python function name, these characters will be replaced with "_". This decorator can be used more than once on a single base method. The class must have a metaclass of :class:`MetaParameterized`. Example:: # This example will generate two methods: # # - MyTestCase.test_it_1 # - MyTestCase.test_it_2 # class MyTestCase(FunqTestCase): __app_config_name__ = 'ma_conf' @parameterized("1", 5, named='nom') @parameterized("2", 6, named='nom2') def test_it(self, value, named=None): print value, named :param func_suffix: will be used as a suffix for the new method :param \*args: arguments to pass to the new method :param \*\*kwargs: named arguments to pass to the new method """ def wrapped(func): if not hasattr(func, 'parameters'): func.parameters = [] func.parameters.append((func_suffix, args, kwargs)) return func return wrapped
[docs]def with_parameters(parameters): """ A decorator that can generate methods given a base method and some data. Acts like :func:`parameterized`, but define all methods in one call. Example:: # This example will generate two methods: # # - MyTestCase.test_it_1 # - MyTestCase.test_it_2 # DATA = [("1", [5], {'named':'nom'}), ("2", [6], {'named':'nom2'})] class MyTestCase(FunqTestCase): app_config_name = 'ma_conf' @with_parameters(DATA) def test_it(self, value, named=None): print value, named :param parameters: list of tuples (**func_suffix**, **args**, **kwargs**) defining parameters like in :func:`todo`. """ def wrapped(func): func.parameters = parameters return func return wrapped
def wraps_parameterized(func, func_suffix, args, kwargs): """Internal: for MetaParameterized""" def wrapper(self): return func(self, *args, **kwargs) wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__ + '_' + func_suffix wrapper.__doc__ = '[%s] %s' % (func_suffix, func.__doc__) return wrapper
[docs]class MetaParameterized(type): """ A metaclass that allow a class to use decorators like :func:`parameterized` or :func:`with_parameters` to generate new methods. """ RE_ESCAPE_BAD_CHARS = re.compile(r'[\.\(\) -/]') def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): for k, v in attrs.items(): if callable(v) and hasattr(v, 'parameters'): for func_suffix, args, kwargs in v.parameters: func_suffix = cls.RE_ESCAPE_BAD_CHARS.sub('_', func_suffix) wrapper = wraps_parameterized(v,func_suffix, args, kwargs) if wrapper.__name__ in attrs: raise KeyError("%s is already a defined method on %s" % (wrapper.__name__, name)) attrs[wrapper.__name__] = wrapper del attrs[k] return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
class declared_attr(property): """ Allow to write a class method that will be accessible as a class attribute. """ def __init__(self, fget, *arg, **kw): super(declared_attr, self).__init__(fget, *arg, **kw) self.__doc__ = fget.__doc__ def __get__(desc, self, cls): # pylint: disable=E0213 return desc.fget(cls) def funq_app_config(confname): """ Returns the config named *confname*. """ return BaseTestCase.__app_registry__.config(confname) def register_funq_app_registry(registry): """ Saves the configurations registry. Must be called before uses of tests classes. """ BaseTestCase.__app_registry__ = registry
[docs]class BaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Abstract class of a testcase for Funq. It defines a common behaviour to name tests methods and uses the metaclass :class:`MetaParameterized` that allows to generate methods from data. It inherits from :class:`unittest.TestCase`, thus allowing to use very useful methods like assertEquals, assertFalse, etc. """ __metaclass__ = MetaParameterized __app_registry__ = None longMessage = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.funq = None def _create_funq_ctx(self): raise NotImplementedError def setUp(self): self.__ctx = self._create_funq_ctx() self.addCleanup(self.__delete_funq_ctx) def __delete_funq_ctx(self): del self.__ctx def id(self): cls = self.__class__ fname = inspect.getsourcefile(cls)[len(os.getcwd()) + 1:] return u"%s:%s.%s" % (fname, cls.__name__, self._testMethodName)
[docs]class FunqTestCase(BaseTestCase): """ A testcase to launch an application and write tests against it. The class attribute **__app_config_name__** is required and must contains the name of a section in the funq configuration file. A class attribute **__app_config__** will then be automatically created to give access to the configuration of the application (:class:`funq.client.ApplicationConfig`). :var funq: instance of :class:`funq.client.FunqClient`, allowing to manipulate the application. """ __app_config_name__ = None @declared_attr def __app_config__(cls): # pylint: disable=E0213 if cls.__app_config_name__ is not None: return cls.__app_registry__.config(cls.__app_config_name__) def _create_funq_ctx(self): ctx = ApplicationContext(self.__app_config__) self.funq = weakref.proxy(ctx.funq) return ctx
[docs]class MultiFunqTestCase(BaseTestCase): """ A testcase to launch multiple applications at the same time and write tests against them. The class attribute **__app_config_names__** is required and must contains a list of section's names in the funq configuration file. A class attribute **__app_configs__** will then be automatically created to give access to the configurations of the application (a dict with values of type :class:`funq.client.ApplicationConfig`, where the keys are configuration names). :var funq: a dict that contains :class:`funq.client.FunqClient`, allowing to manipulate the application. Keys are configuration names. """ __app_config_names__ = None @declared_attr def __app_config__(cls): # pylint: disable=E0213 if cls.__app_config_names__ is not None: return dict([(k, cls.__app_registry__.config(k)) for k in cls.__app_config_names__]) def _create_funq_ctx(self): ctx = {} self.funq = {} for k, v in self.__app_config__.iteritems(): ctx[k] = ApplicationContext(v) self.funq[k] = weakref.proxy(ctx[k].funq) return ctx