Source code for funq.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright: SCLE SFE
# Contributor: Julien Pagès <>
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to test graphical
# applications written with the QT framework (
# This software is governed by the CeCILL v2.1 license under French law and
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# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
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Definition of widgets and models useable in funq.
from import wait_for
from funq.errors import FunqError
import json

class TreeItem(object): # pylint: disable=R0903
    Defines an abstract item that contains subitems
    client = None
    items = None
    def create(cls, client, data):
        Allow to create a TreeItem from a dico data decoded from json.
        self = cls()
        self.client = client
        for k, v in data.iteritems():
            if k != 'items':
                setattr(self, k, v)
        self.items = [cls.create(client, d) for d in data.get('items', []) ]
        return self

class TreeItems(object):
    Abstract class to manipulate data that contains :class:`TreeItem`. Used
    by modelitems and graphicsitems.
    client = None
    items = None
    ITEM_CLASS = TreeItem
    def create(cls, client, data):
        Allow to create an instance of the class given some data coming from
        decoded json.
        self = cls()
        self.client = client
        self.items = [cls.ITEM_CLASS.create(client, v1) for v1 in data['items']]
        return self
    def iter(self):
        Allow to iterate on every items recursively.
          for item in items.iter():
              print item
        items = self.items
        while items:
            item = items.pop(0)
            items = item.items + items
            yield item

class WidgetMetaClass(type):
    Saves a dict of accessible classes to handle inheritance of Widgets.
    cpp_classes = {}
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
        cls = super(WidgetMetaClass, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)
        qt_name = getattr(cls, 'CPP_CLASS', None)
        if qt_name:
            mcs.cpp_classes[qt_name] = cls
        return cls

[docs]class Widget(object): """ Allow to manipulate a QWidget or derived. :var client: client for the communication with libFunq [type: :class:`funq.client.FunqClient`] :var oid: ID of the managed C++ instance. [type: long] :var path: complete path to the widget [type: str] :var classes: list of class names of the managed C++ instance, in inheritance order (ie 'QObject' is last) [type : list(str)] """ __metaclass__ = WidgetMetaClass oid = None client = None path = None @classmethod def create(cls, client, data): """ Allow to create a Widget or a subclass given data coming from decoded json. """ # recherche la classe appropriee cpp_classes = cls.__metaclass__.cpp_classes for cppcls in data['classes']: if cppcls in cpp_classes: cls = cpp_classes[cppcls] break self = cls() for k, v in data.iteritems(): setattr(self, k, v) setattr(self, 'client', client) return self
[docs] def properties(self): """ Returns a dict of availables properties for this widget with associated values. Example:: enabled =["enabled"] """ return self.client.send_command('object_properties', oid=self.oid)
[docs] def set_properties(self, **properties): """ Define some properties on this widget. Example:: widget.set_properties(text="My beautiful text") """ self.client.send_command('object_set_properties', oid=self.oid, properties=properties)
[docs] def set_property(self, name, value): """ Define one property on this widget. Example:: widget.set_property('text', "My beautiful text") """ self.set_properties(**{name: value}) # pylint:disable=W0142
[docs] def wait_for_properties(self, props, timeout=10.0, timeout_interval=0.1): """ Wait for the properties to have the given values. Example:: self.wait_for_properties({'enabled': True, 'visible': True}) """ def check_props(): """checke la valeur des propriétés""" properties = for k, v in props.iteritems(): if properties.get(k) != v: return False return True return wait_for(check_props, timeout, timeout_interval)
[docs] def click(self, wait_for_enabled=10.0): """ Click on the widget. If wait_for_enabled is > 0 (default), it will wait until the widget become active (enabled and visible) before sending click. """ if wait_for_enabled > 0.0: self.wait_for_properties({'enabled': True, 'visible': True}, timeout=wait_for_enabled) self.client.send_command('widget_click', oid=self.oid)
[docs] def call_slot(self, slot_name, params={}): """ **CAUTION**; This methods allows to call a slot (written on the tested application). The slot must take a QVariant and returns a QVariant. This is not really recommended to use this method, as it will trigger code in the tested application in an unusual way. The methods returns what the slot returned, decoded as python object. :param slot_name: name of the slot :param params: parameters (must be json serialisable) that will be send to the tested application as a QVariant. """ return self.client.send_command('call_slot', slot_name=slot_name, params=params, oid=self.oid)['result_slot']
[docs] def dclick(self, wait_for_enabled=10.0): """ Double click on the widget. If wait_for_enabled is > 0 (default), it will wait until the widget become active (enabled and visible) before sending click. """ if wait_for_enabled > 0.0: self.wait_for_properties({'enabled': True, 'visible': True}, timeout=wait_for_enabled) self.client.send_command('widget_click', oid=self.oid, mouseAction='doubleclick')
[docs] def keyclick(self, text): """ Simulate keypress and keyrelease events for every character in the given text. Example:: widget.keyclick("my text") """ self.client.send_command('widget_keyclick', text=text, oid=self.oid)
[docs] def shortcut(self, key_sequence): """ Send a shortcut on the widget, defined with a text sequence. See the QKeySequence::fromString to see the documentation of the format needed for the text sequence. :param text: text sequence of the shortcut (see QKeySequence::fromString documentation) """ self.client.send_command('shortcut', keysequence=key_sequence, oid=self.oid)
[docs] def drag_n_drop(self, src_pos=None, dest_widget=None, dest_pos=None): """ Do a drag and drop from this widget. :param src_pos: starting position of the drag. Must be a tuple (x, y) in widget coordinates or None (the center of the widget will then be used) :param dest_widget: destination widget. If None, src_widget will be used. :param dest_pos: ending position (the drop). Must be a tuple (x, y) in widget coordinates or None (the center of the dest widget will then be used) """ self.client.drag_n_drop(self, src_pos=src_pos, dest_widget=dest_widget, dest_pos=dest_pos)
[docs] def close(self): """ Ask to close a widget, using QWidget::close(). """ self.client.send_command('widget_close', oid=self.oid)
[docs]class ModelItem(TreeItem): """ Allow to manipulate a modelitem in a QAbstractModelItem or derived. :var viewid: ID of the view attached to the model containing this item [type: long] :var row: item row number [type: int] :var column: item column number [type: int] :var value: item text value [type: unicode] :var check_state: item text value of the check state, or None :var itempath: Internal ID to localize this item [type: str ou None] :var items: list of subitems [type: :class:`ModelItem`] """ viewid = None row = None column = None itempath = None check_state = None def _action(self, itemaction): """ Send the 'model_item_action' action """ self.client.send_command('model_item_action', oid=self.viewid, itemaction=itemaction, row=self.row, column=self.column, itempath=self.itempath)
[docs] def is_checkable(self): """Returns True if the item is checkable""" return self.check_state is not None
[docs] def is_checked(self): """Returns True if the item is checked""" return self.check_state == 'checked'
[docs] def select(self): """ Select this item. """ self._action("select")
[docs] def edit(self): """ Edit this item. """ self._action("edit")
[docs] def click(self): """ Click on this item. """ self._action("click")
[docs] def dclick(self): """ Double click on this item. """ self._action("doubleclick")
[docs]class ModelItems(TreeItems): """ Allow to manipulate all modelitems in a QAbstractModelItem or derived. :var items: list of :class:`ModelItem` """ ITEM_CLASS = ModelItem
[docs] def item_by_named_path(self, named_path, match_column=0, sep='/', column=0): """ Returns the item (:class:`ModelItem`) that match the arborescence defined by `named_path` and in the given column. .. note:: The arguments are the same as for :meth:`row_by_named_path`, with the addition of `column`. :param column: the column of the desired item """ items = self.row_by_named_path(named_path, match_column=match_column, sep=sep) if items: return items[column]
[docs] def row_by_named_path(self, named_path, match_column=0, sep='/'): """ Returns the item list of :class:`ModelItem` that match the arborescence defined by `named_path`, or None if the path does not exists. .. important:: Use unicode characters in `named_path` to match elements with non-ascii characters. Example:: model_items.row_by_named_path([u'TG/CBO/AP (AUT 1)', u'Paramètres tranche', u'TG', u'DANGER']) :param named_path: path for the interesting ModelIndex. May be defined with a list of str or with a single str that will be splitted on `sep`. :param match_column: column used to check`named_path` is a string. """ if isinstance(named_path, (list, tuple)): parts = list(named_path) else: parts = named_path.split(sep) item = self while item and parts: next_item = None part = parts.pop(0) for item_ in item.items: if match_column == item_.column and item_.value == part: # on a trouvé l'item que l'on veut # si c'est le dernier, ramassons toutes les colonnes if not parts: row = [ it for it in item.items if it.row == item_.row ] return sorted(row, key=lambda it: it.column) else: next_item = item_ item = next_item return None
[docs]class AbstractItemView(Widget): """ Specific Widget to manipulate QAbstractItemView or derived. """ CPP_CLASS = 'QAbstractItemView' editor_class_names = ('QLineEdit', 'QComboBox', 'QSpinBox', 'QDoubleSpinBox')
[docs] def model_items(self): """ Returns an instance of :class:`ModelItems` based on the model associated to the view. """ data = self.client.send_command('model_items', oid=self.oid) return ModelItems.create(self.client, data)
[docs] def current_editor(self, editor_class_name=None): """ Returns the editor actually opened on this view. One item must be in editing mode, by using :meth:`ModelItem.dclick` or :meth:`ModelItem.edit` for example. Currently these editor types are handled: 'QLineEdit', 'QComboBox', 'QSpinBox' and 'QDoubleSpinBox'. :param editor_class_name: name of the editor type. If None, every type of editor will be tested (this may actually be very slow) """ qt_path = '::qt_scrollarea_viewport::%s' if editor_class_name: return self.client.widget(path=self.path + qt_path % editor_class_name) for editor_class_name in self.editor_class_names: try: return self.client.widget(path=self.path + qt_path % editor_class_name) except FunqError: pass raise FunqError("MissingEditor", 'Unable to find an editor.' ' Possible editors: %s' % repr(self.editor_class_names))
[docs]class TabBar(Widget): """ Allow to manipulate a QTabBar Widget. """ CPP_CLASS = "QTabBar"
[docs] def tab_texts(self): """ Returns the list of texts in tabbar. """ data = self.client.send_command('tabbar_list', oid=self.oid) return data["tabtexts"]
[docs] def set_current_tab(self, tab_index_or_name): """ Define the current tab given an index or a tab text. """ tabnames = self.tab_texts() if isinstance(tab_index_or_name, int): index = tab_index_or_name if index < 0 or index >= len(tabnames): raise ValueError("Invalid tab Index %d" % index) else: index = tabnames.index(tab_index_or_name) self.set_property('currentIndex', index)
[docs]class GItem(TreeItem): """ Allow to manipulate a QGraphicsItem. :var viewid: ID of the view attached to the model containing this item [type: long] :var stackpath: Internal gitem ID, based on stackIndex and parent items [type: str] :var objectname: value of the "objectName" property if it inherits from QObject. [type: unicode or None] :var classes: list of names of class inheritance if it inherits from QObject. [type: list(str) or None] :var items: list of subitems [type: :class:`GItem`] """ viewid = None stackpath = None objectname = None classes = None
[docs] def is_qobject(self): """ Returns True if this GItem inherits QObject """ return self.objectname != None
[docs] def properties(self): """ Return the properties of the GItem. The GItem must inherits from QObject. """ return self.client.send_command('gitem_properties', oid=self.viewid, stackpath=self.stackpath)
def _action(self, itemaction): """ Send the command 'model_gitem_action' """ self.client.send_command('model_gitem_action', oid=self.viewid, itemaction=itemaction, stackpath=self.stackpath)
[docs] def click(self): """ Click on this gitem. """ self._action("click")
[docs] def dclick(self): """ Double click on this gitem. """ self._action("doubleclick")
[docs]class GItems(TreeItems): """ Allow to manipulate a group of QGraphicsItems. :var items: list of :class:`GItem` that are on top of the scene (and not subitems) """ ITEM_CLASS = GItem
[docs]class GraphicsView(Widget): """ Allow to manipulate an instance of QGraphicsView. """ CPP_CLASS = 'QGraphicsView'
[docs] def gitems(self): """ Returns an instance of :class:`GItems`, that will contains every items of this QGraphicsView. """ data = self.client.send_command('graphicsitems', oid=self.oid) return GItems.create(self.client, data)
[docs] def dump_gitems(self, stream='gitems.json'): """ Write in a file the list of graphics items. """ data = self.client.send_command('graphicsitems', oid=self.oid) if isinstance(stream, basestring): stream = open(stream, 'w') json.dump(data, stream, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
[docs]class ComboBox(Widget): """ Allow to manipulate a QCombobox. """ CPP_CLASS = 'QComboBox'
[docs] def model_items(self): """ Returns the items (:class:`ModelItems`) associated to this combobox. """ # création et affichage de QComboBoxListView # recuperation de ce widget QComboBoxListView internal_qt_name = '::QComboBoxPrivateContainer::QComboBoxListView' combo_edit_view = self.client.widget(path=self.path + internal_qt_name) model_items = combo_edit_view.model_items() # on cache la QComboBoxListView #combo_edit_view.set_property('visible', False) # Permet de fermer la combobox proprement return model_items
[docs] def set_current_text(self, text): """ Define the text of the combobox, ensuring that it is a possible value. """ if not isinstance(text, basestring): raise TypeError('the text parameter must be a string' ' - got %s' % type(text)) model_items = self.model_items() column =['modelColumn'] index = -1 for item in model_items.items: if column == int(item.column) and item.value == text: index = int(item.row) break assert index > -1, ("Le texte `%s` n'est pas dans la combobox `%s`" % (text, self.path)) self.set_property('currentIndex', index)